Making A Difference: The Community Responds To Child Abuse

Making a Difference: The Community Responds To Child Abuse

A comprehensive training program designed to reduce the incidence of child abuse and family violence. The program is meant to help those who provide services to children to become more aware of, and to identify early on, the possibility of child abuse/family violence.

Topics covered include:

  • defining and identifying child abuse;
  • legal and moral responsibilities with respect to reporting suspicions of child abuse and children exposed to family violence;
  • responding to disclosures;
  • how to report suspicions of child abuse, including strategies that assist in overcoming fears of reporting;
  • how to document suspicions of abuse;
  • the system’s response; and
  • how to maintain the client relationship when a report to child protection authorities has been made.

The workshop can help agencies develop proactive policies and procedures for responding to children and families when abuse and violence are suspected. Boost offers sessions that range from 2 hours to 2 days, as well as a train-the-trainer program.

For more information or to book a training, please contact:

Atiquah Syed
Training Coordinator
(416) 515-1100 ext. 59449

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