Assessment Directed Therapy

Assessment Directed Therapy Program

At Boost CYAC, we believe that with support, children, youth and families can build on their strengths to recover from traumatic events. The Assessment Directed Therapy Program can help.

Eligibility Criteria


For a referral to be accepted the following criteria need to be met:


The child or youth is between the age of 4 to 17 years old.


In congruence with Best Practice Guidelines for Working with Children, Youth and Families Who Have Experienced Abuse (Toronto, November 2004, page 17), in the best interest of the child, there should be no contact (direct or indirect) with the offender during the assessment process. At Boost CYAC, we conduct our services using best practice guidelines when working with children or youth who have experienced abuse. This ensures our interventions are respectful and considerate of the children and youth we serve, making their physical and emotional safety a priority.


Assessment and treatment intervention services are offered to children and youth after a traumatic event has been reported, investigated and verified by a child welfare agency and/or police.


Referrals to evaluate traumatic events that do not necessitate child welfare or police involvement (i.e. exposure to community violence or war related trauma) can also be made to the program.

A referral can be made by a child protection agency, police service or other organization in the community. Caregivers can also refer their child(ren) to the program. Our Clinical Intake Worker will help determine if Boost CYAC can provide the most appropriate service. If not, we will help to refer the child/youth to a more appropriate service provider.

To make a referral to the program contact our
Clinical Intake Worker at:

Tel: (416) 515-1100 ext.59231

Fax: (416) 515-1227

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